(4 customer reviews)


SKU: DCCEXT-1-1 Categories: ,



3D printed in black PLA. This case allows for you to stack up to two motor shields and a wifi shield.

Optionally, for the 8874 vairant, there is the option to add a 4×20 LCD.

Note: You’ll need to order the XL Case to accomindate An Arduino, Motor Shield, WiFI shield and LCD.

Please select the case for the motor shield you are using as placements are different.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 10 cm

Mega + 8874 Motor Shield, Mega + 8874 Motor Shield with cut out for LCD, Mega XL Case, CSb1 Sled, CSB1 Case

4 reviews for DCC EX Case

  1. Graham (verified owner)

    3D printed case is fine but no instructions and not all screws included

  2. Neal W. (verified owner)

    Item arrived in perfect condition. Shipping time was short for an international order. Very satisfied customer.

  3. Dave B. (verified owner)

    Very pleased with both the product and the service – thanks Sam

    Image #1 from Dave B.
  4. Leonard Hoyland (verified owner)

    This is my 2nd ex case (used for ex8874 motor shield etc)
    FYI. I have made an amendment to allow access to the motor shield jack. This required cutting the case. I also covered the Arduino jack with electrical tape to avoid accidental use.
    See images below.

    Image #1 from Leonard Hoyland
    Image #2 from Leonard Hoyland
    Image #3 from Leonard Hoyland
    Image #4 from Leonard Hoyland
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